Jan 27, 2013

Pizza Bagels

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COOKS NOTE: These are delicious, and VERY easy. Good for lunch or for afterschool snacks. I used to eat these for lunch in high school, and I have to say these were much better tasting than the ones the lunch ladies made (no offense to the lunch ladies) if it wasn't for them my kids would not have experienced pizza bagels.
** Makes 2 pizza bagels

1 cup shredded mozzarella
4 T pasta sauce or pizza sauce
2 slices of provolone cheese
4 slices pepperoni
1 bagel

 Spread 1T of sauce on each bagel half, cut side up
Top each half with one slice of provolone

Top the provolone with 1T of sauce

Top the sauce with ½ cup of mozzarella (depending on the size of your bagels-may vary)

Top each bagel with 2 slices of pepperoni (I used Turkey pepperoni) or toppings of your choice
I bake mine in the toaster oven on 350 degrees for about 8 min or until cheese is melted and browning on top.  Baking times may vary.

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